How to add a new Item Type to Voxel Garden.


The Basics

You’ll need the following tools:

  1. a text editor
  2. a sprite editor

We’ll assume:

You will have to edit files in:

├── item_types.cfg
├── item_models.cfg
├── strings/
│   └── LANG.cfg
└── textures/
    └── NAME.png


Each section in this file defines the properties of one item in the world.

Fun thing here is that an item just to be held in your inventory does not require any fields, it can consist on just the [NAME] tag, but there are a number of fields you might want to define.

place = PACK.NAME   ; places PACK.NAME cell when used
spawn = PACK.NAME   ; spawns PACK.NAME mob when used


Each section in this file defines how an item displays, both graphically and audio-wise:

texture = NAME.png  ; uses PACK/textures/NAME.png for display


Each entry in this file provides a translation string for an specific name in the language LANG:

NAME = "Your item name here"